Intervewing Paranoia

I would always tell my friends that each one of us should have one job waiting for us after we graduate from school, than have to go back to studying things all over again and then end up with jobs that we do not enjoy as much. This way what we reap is truly what we sow and its not a week's cramming and gulping down of the PIEs and other quick tricks and tips to crack it..

It may be a non sensical thought but how much sense does being judged by anyone for a hour to decide if you are fit for job or not make anyways? And what if its not your best day, or its not the interviwer's favourite day? What is the criteria that makes it click or blow in your face? And what are the odds against a suitable undertaking that fits your interests as well as your potential. But yet again, the question is, how does one zero down to that?

The other problem that exists is hope against hope. The fact that knowing an interview did not go as well, we are dejected when the mail heading says "interview feedback" and not "Offer for a postion to blah blah". There almost seems to be a cycle that is followed till a way is paved in and you transition to what is call the "employed class". From that window, everything seems so simple and a matter of fact thing in retrospect. But from this side of the world, it aint so green..

There remains a fear of giant interviwers with a stern face, white board drawings, a plethora of self doubt and of course the disquiet of the final feedback.. Hence for all my fellow interviweing peers, I would say, hang in there till maybe we have this new idea patented and we do not have to smile in front of people we do not choose to and are really doing what we always wanted to..


Nihar said…
Things get decided in a moment, people judge, form opinions in minutes - that's the way things work. Your chances get better with more attempts. And yeah as you said so yourself, "hang in there" Good luck!
Hitchcock said…
life is a bitch!!!! and unfair..and never unfair in ur favor!!!
am going thru the blues too... good luck!!!!
dont_panic said…
ha ha nice one. Apart from the fact that they are a necessary evil, think about the good sides of interviewing! you get to go to a new place, stay in a swanky hotel (sometimes), eat up some poor guy's head..

remember they are as anxious as you are, it can be fun if you play on this..

dont know what type of job you are looking for (writer? :D ), but as they all say.. Best of Luck!!

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