
We the Sheeple!!

We the SHEEPLE!! Moved forward by a 100 years, but regressed infinitely. We became the sheeples, we may have never imagined we'll be. Cut off from the core of existence, from a universe so profound Pushed into an education system, slave to the economy from the ground To churn out more mind controlled, Sheeples back into this society With a one pointed focus of success, sold in the glittery tabloids  Things things and more things, became the sole purpose of life Hooked on mindless garbage, Makes a palate of this junkie  Gadgets make life easier can ever be Sheeples lazier can ever be Go to the gym to compensate  the lack of vigor in life Go to the mall to compensate the lack of substance Go to the bar to compensate the lack of life Trapped in the mind  On a go go go to make more more more We step over everything that comes Man, mule, sheep, earth alike Churn out more paper  put some arbitra

Eternal lovers..

Each morning brings sweet thoughts .. Afternoon deep yearning... Night endless longing ... Such is the plight of the earth that wants to meet the with the sky .. Far away on the horizon is a mirage of their union..  she just satisfies herself with that.. The sky mocks her plight.. He is up above all encompassing.. With the knowledge that she's his.. He watches her ebb and flow and spill over into the oceans.. Aware of her fertility he soothes her with rain. Like a peacock serenading its mate he puts on a light show of stars for her each night.. Gently reminding he's always there.. He too must long for her embrace but his blue skies are far more calmer and mature to endure their separation.. To make the most of their situation.. Her fiery core is not.. It bubbles up and erupts in volcanic emotions that need to pour out to calm her grounds again.. He though, keeps falling towrds her but never into her making their mirage eternally alive.. That's their karma.. To be around one

The way of the heart...

O ut beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,   there is a field.  I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about Ideas, language, even the phrase "each other" doesn't make any sense. mevlana jelaluddin rumi - 13th century Writing after yet another hiatus. This topic is very dear to me and pertains to almost everything and every which way we are coexisting on this planet. We come across this quintessential question in almost every walk of our journey; almost everyday unless of course we are not sensitive or conscious enough to even acknowledge it. All of us live in the bubble of our paradigms that vary for each individual. The concept of good and bad always varies, even if infinitesimally for every single person  as it's nothing but a projection of their mind . Something that which may be borderline OK for one may perhaps be way out of the line for another and so on..  Essentially the good and bad are 2


What is it? There are various interpretations for it in many spiritual texts.. I have read about it over and over again and have sat with it through my meditations. It has never failed to amaze me, excite me and to a great deal transform me.. Its all in the NOW. We know this. Its again textbook knowledge to attain spiritual enlightenment. No, but literally, this presence is in the now. You can feel it, when you bring your attention to it. Its like this flame around your, that surrounds you. A cold flame that is tingly and vibrant. ANYONE can sense it ANYTIME. It is always there, you can not think about it, but you can feel it. When you sort of feel it, stay with it.. And it will grow bigger. And if you can let go of all the thoughts that possess you from one moment to the next, there will be a dropping; like dropping from a rope swing into the water, a splash and you will drop into an openness. An engulfing openness. But as soon as you try to hold on to it, its gone, its an
God or Gravity? Thank god for gravity!!! Its such a powerful force if we come to realize it. I was on walk with my dog one evening and after she got tired playing fetch, I decided to lay on the grass after having felt its softness in my feet while walking earlier. I was loving the weather and the wind and the blue sky with waves of clouds ebbing in the vast ocean of this atmosphere. I looked up and in an instant felt a discomfort stemming form the fear of what would happen if there weren’t any gravity holding me down right now on this little patch of grass and if I were to fly away. My mind started diving and deepening this fear… Fly away to where? Not in the sky because that would’ve flown out already. I guess in to the vast expanse of nothingness? But if there is nothing then how am I there? What is holding my form as is? Gravity.. After an expansion in the external view came the internal view of this whole force.. I am me because of gravity. The air we breathe hangs around us becaus
P. Ramalingam - An Obituary My grandpa (thatha as we lovingly called him) was a kind, loving man of principles. He was the oldest Carnatic singer I have known in my family. He deeply loved and revered music. Ever since I was little he would always ask me to take time out to practice music. When I would visit him back home, he would lovingly sit next to me and and ask me to sing the new ragams that I learnt in the recent past and close his eyes and be lost in my music. In his later days, he lost his hearing abilities to a great extent, but he would still strain his ears to talk to me on the phone when I called him. You would always find him singing or humming a Carnatic tune, much as his voice allowed him to the very end of his time. I pay all my heartfelt respects to this man from whom I learnt so much, growing up and in every stage of my life. He lived by his rules and he ardently stuck to them till his last days. He was big on reading the newspaper. Not a day would pass when he would

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